Healthy Food? Four
Bad Food Habits in
Teens and College

We are totally dependent on our parents to feed us healthy food that is good for us when we are young. But as we reach our teenage years, there are four main bad food habits that many teens share. Luckily, it's not too late, you can still change your bad eating habits.

  1. Teens and college students often don’t eat a balanced diet, which is one bad food habit you can change. In fact, many teens choose to eat more foods from the smallest portion on a standard food pyramid than they do fruits and vegetables.What is in the pinnacle of the pyramid? Usually foods such as snack cakes, potato chips, and other high-calorie, high-fat foods. Eventually, these choices are going to catch up with you, making you fat and sluggish. Instead of snack foods, buy healthy food like fresh produce that you can wash and have available for snacks. This will help you develop better eating habits.
  2. Many teens and college students sleep in as much as possible and then skip breakfast, which is a bad habit to get into. It has been reported that more than two-thirds of all teenage girls and more than half of all teenage boys don’t eat breakfast. Since the body has been without food during sleep, it’s important to begin the day with a healthy breakfast. To ensure you eat a good breakfast each day, make food easily accessible so you can make breakfast quickly and eat it before leaving for school.
  3. Another bad food habit that many teens and college students have is drinking too many soft drinks each day. It used to be that teens would drink juice, water, or milk. Nowadays, they consume far too many soft drinks, increasing from 37% in 1978 to well over 50% in the late 1990s. Having other beverages available and not buying soft drinks to drink will encourage you to break this bad food habit.
  4. Eating while watching television is another bad food habit that teens and college students are often guilty of, as well as many adults. Unfortunately, eating while watching television can distract you to the point where you’re not aware of how much you’re actually eating. You may also choose foods that aren’t the most healthful. You can decide to not purchase snack foods to keep in your home/dorm, but rather only fresh fruits and vegetables

It's not too late to break these four bad food habits. Good nutrition is important to maintain health, give energy to accomplish goals, and live a fulfilled life. Maybe you won’t be able to change all of your bad food habits, but even changing one bad habit in exchange for a good one can make a world of difference in your health and quality of life.

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